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Life 100 Years Ago vs Life Now

2023-09-09 13:52| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Every day our world and the way we live changes, and life 100 Years ago vs life now is very different. People used to be different towards one another and towards the elderly. Money and life had a different meaning. But, over time these things have changed due to society, technology and the way we act, think and feel in general.

How has technology changed in the last 100 years? Our generation lives in a fast-paced, technologically progressive society. Life today vs 100 years ago is much more advanced. The early 1900s were a fascinating time of primitive automobiles. The major invention at that time was the first toggle light switch. The聽major tech invention of today is CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing technology. This use of technology in agriculture is changing farming now from old farming methods. It enables us to reprogram life as we know it. We are also making strides in artificial intelligence, robotics, sensors, and networks. As well as advancements in synthetic biology, materials science, space exploration and more!

Life 100 Years ago vs life now was different when it comes to love and relationships too!

Dating in the past vs now has evolved quite a bit. Thanks to the Internet. New generation relationships often start via online dating. People also commonly live together without getting marriage. One of the biggest differences in dating then and now is our openness about it. We are no longer so conservative about our love lives, and sex lives. As a result, infidelity and casual relationships are quite common these days. Regardless of these thought-provoking facts, there are simple habits that will make you more attractive and get people to like you. If you are interested in actual dating, that is!

There鈥檚 also a big difference between education now and in the past. Nowadays graduating high school is more of an expectation, rather than a privilege. But, education 100 years ago was not the same. Only about 10 percent of high school students actually graduated. Yet, classrooms 100 years ago looked much like classrooms now. There are still chalkboards and chalks, but classrooms today are also filled with computers. Students also have access to online learning and are able to earn degrees from home.

How has healthcare changed in the past 100 years?

Marijuana, morphine, and heroin were sold over the counter. Now, marijuana has been legalized (or about to become) in the recent past. But, morphine and heroin without a physician’s prescription are illegal. Hospital stays used to be lengthy. Along with severe blind spots in prevention and a lack of patient respect. Today, the length of hospital stays for recovery from procedures has declined substantially. Due to technological advances. Hospital births are common and pretty much expected. But, back then over 95 percent of childbirths occurred at home.

People didn鈥檛 make too much of a big deal about personal hygiene either. Only 14 percent of the homes had a bathtub. While most women only washed their hair once a month using Borax or egg yolks as their shampoo. In comparison, life 100 years ago vs life now are polar opposites, as far as personal hygiene is concerned. Our obsession with hygiene and personal care is undeniable. We shower daily, brush our teeth twice a day, we remove unwanted hair. We put on makeup, and wouldn鈥檛 dare to leave the house without deodorant and perfume. And more than likely, we overestimate our hand sanitizer effectiveness. Instead of trusting our own body’s defense system. There are so many amazing facts about the human body most of us still don’t even know about!

How else was life 100 years ago vs life now different?

Well, it鈥檚 also worth mentioning that women have made a lot of progress towards equality. Life of a woman 100 years ago was very different. But, one thing women one hundred years ago and women today have in common is the need for independence. Let鈥檚 look at women鈥檚 roles in society then and now. In the early 1900s, women wanted to be seen as more than mothers and wives. Today they are still working towards equality in the workplace. And advocating for higher education! After being seen as the weaker sex, during the World War, women had to step up to fill men鈥檚 vacant jobs. Of course, they were expected to return to their domestic roles when the men returned from war. But the cause was already underway. Today, women are just as career-driven as their male counterparts and have just as many opinions to voice about society.

A hundred years ago money was important, but it wasn’t the cornerstone of everyone鈥檚 life!

You could get a handle full of candy for a penny, and now you have to pay a couple of dollars just for a candy bar. In the past, people stored basic items and had more access to fresh foods and raw materials. Which is not the case today! Profits made on things are skyrocketing. Whilst聽big companies are keeping people dependent on manufactured products more than ever. Inflation has also been taking its toll on our society.

Entertainment in the 1910s was important. People loved music and dancing! Marking the era of Early Jazz, also known as Dixieland Jazz (from 1900 to 1928). Going to the theater, opera and to the circus was very popular back in the day. People also loved sports in the early 1900s. Especially tennis, golfing, football and soccer. Today we play video games, we get to enjoy virtual reality and online video chat. We can go skydiving, paragliding and bungee jumping; Go to bars, nightclubs, music festivals, and casinos, and we get to travel the world; Keep in touch with friends and family聽on Social Media; Have entertainment and information available at our fingertips; Read e-books and magazines on our tablets; Binge-watch movies and our favourite shows on Netflix. Plus, we get to entertain each other on platforms like YouTube! Not to mention having access to online shopping around the clock.

Life 100 Years ago vs life now has changed due to technology, the Internet, and health care. Revolutionizing human civilization. Indeed, the difference between lifestyle now and 100 years ago is remarkable. Though certain life lessons have remained the same, and they are worth remembering. No matter what the next 100 years may bring!

But, the question remains. Is life better today than it was 100 years ago? How will humans 100 years from now live? Let us know what you think!

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